Saturday, February 22, 2025

EdFringe Review – Dummy by Anders Lee

What does it mean to be dumb? And is being dumb really a negative thing? Anders Lee explains his insight on the matter in his show “Dummy”, running at the Bourbon Bar in this 2018 edition of the EdFringe.

It takes a lot of courage to face the Fringe’s audience and share a very personal and emotional story, and Anders Lee does it without fear. For 50 minutes he shares his insights on what it is like to live with autism, and he does so using something that we can all connect to: humour and irony.

It is a comedy show, but between one joke and another he is able to bring us on his side, allowing us to see the world through the eyes of someone who has been labelled dumb by society. From people talking down at him, to the anxiety of asking someone out, we realise we’ve all been ‘dumb’ at some point in our life, and that all the labels we use on a daily basis means nothing.

Anders Lee humour and honesty are the powerful elements that elevate this show from comedy to a storytelling show that enable us see autism from a different perspective, cherishing diversity and proving that everyone’s mind is different, and unique.

Dummy is on every day (apart from Wednesdays) at 13:00 at the Bourbon Bar & Night Club untill August 24th

Show description: Diagnosed at a young age with an autistic spectrum disorder, Midwestern American comedian Anders Lee brings his signature, sincere and plainspoken manner to the stage as he recounts struggles with school, work and dating while being ‘on the spectrum’. Through funny, heartwarming and thought-provoking stories, Lee dives headfirst into questions of disability, education and what it means, in our hypercapitalist, technology-saturated age, to truly be ‘dumb’.

Venue: Bourbon Bar (Venue 333), 24a Frederick St, EH2 2JR

Time: 13:00