Friday, March 7, 2025

Review – Maybe I do….?

Review by Andreea Helen David.
Maybe I did…and I am glad I did. I was invited by the Spanish Phoebe Weller Bridge, Cova Gamblor, to see her comedy play ‘Maybe I do….?’ and I had a great night out.
The comedy play, written and performed by Cova, is a one woman show (or is it a standup?) set in modern times, yes the pandemic and even Chris Rock are mentioned and it opens with a Zoom call. What follows is laughter, existentialism and dating parables. And IT IS as funny as it is relatable.  We’ve all been there, but if we haven’t, Cova pulls us into the world of a dating but chronically single woman, Carmen, with a mix of ingenousity, wit and physical comedy.  But even better is the language, Carmen is a Spanish lady with a thick accent living in London and most of her mishaps are due to gros misunderstandings. Cova is able to make fun of her own language barriers, which she breaks, but also sometimes of the completely useless and downright confusing sayings the English language has. I would give examples of the ones underlined in the show but they are glorious punchlines and I wouldn’t want to spoil your fun. Cova’s ability to observe and characterise the typologies of people, behaviors and situations existent in London at the moment, gives the show a great richness, relevance and truth in the dramatisation of what sometimes are real situations. She makes us laugh but in the same time makes us think. Certainly the ending, which came too soon in my opinion, leaves you with an everlasting thought – how did she develop a remarkable covid comedy so quickly?
I was a great nght out also thanks to the MC, Gabby Oligram, who compliments the show beautifuly, and Cova’s comedy guests that change every night. This makes the event  an unique and exciting combo of support, creativity and all round awesomeness.
‘Maybe I do…?’ is the perfect way to celebrate being able to go to the theatre again.
On at Baron’s Court Theatre until 23rd of April
Book here