Saturday, February 22, 2025

Review – Love (to) Bits

By Andreea Helen David.

I found a time vortex! It’s at Baron’s Court Theatre but only on specific dates! Read on if you want to find out more! 

If you want the nostalgia of the best pop culture moments here is the place, because in these times… what could be better? Oh I know …adding philosophical notes on the everlasting question ‘What is Love?’  

Here is a story about Cynthia (Ioana Goga), who is 23 and a hopeless romantic. She had her first love at the age of 4 and she has loved ever since, but just can’t seem to ever get it right … Until she meets Van, at 18. Van is two years older than her, effortlessly cool, funny and handsome. He is also the complete opposite of Cynthia’s usual type. So, this time, really, it must be different! Right?! You know what follows. 

This is Cynthia’s story but actually is the story of all of us and to emphasize this, the creators have added supportive verbatim characters who talk about their experience with love, all played brilliantly a la James McAvoy in Split by Beatrice Bowden. 

The main love story for Cynthia is Van (Tomas Howser) a very Jeff Buckley character but a bit more sexist, she even met his parents. But somewhere between their first holiday together and New years Eve things start to go downhill for them.  

Is very hard not to feel defined by this show. We can all relate to those pop songs we yelp along to in those desperate moments and those ‘I’m in love’ moments and Ioana Goga makes this all the more easier as she truly connects with her audience through her comedic timing, really- the punch lies are splendid, through her honesty and the direct dialogue with her audience Truly, Ioana shines when she is alone on stage and as the writer of the show is expectedly so. 

 The construction of this one woman show/ comedy/ brechtian inspired play is outstanding. Directed by Jez Davess Humphrey and Ioana Goga ( wasn’t she busy enough? ) the show starts from when Cynthia was 4 and it takes us through the ages on a comedy canoe…not for a second do you think you’re going to be shedding tears by the end of it, but you do. 

Beatrice Bowden, the voice in the background that makes everything connect and tries to makes sense of what Cynthia and us are feeling, plays these moments with great comedic flair and tact. 

Tomas Howser plays Van with truth and skill and is the perfect compliment to Ioana’s Cynthia and although he did her wrong, Ioana was careful not to vilify him. Masterful.

This is a romantic comedy on stage and the end will uplift you and make you feel very grateful to Cynthia for reminding you about yourself. 

Go watch, at Barons’s Court Theatre, until 25th of June for a wholesome night out!