Saturday, February 22, 2025

EdFringe Review – Bitches in the Ford KA at Surgeons Hall

What’s the first thing you do when you get your driving licence? Party! Everyone has done it. Bitches in the Ford Ka will bring you back to those years in your life when partying was all you worried about.

The play tells the story of three girls and their road trip to a party in Brighton. It’s almost entirely set in a car, the Ford Ka mentioned in the title. In the car the three girls get ready, joke, laugh, fight, make up. It’s a story about friendhip and being young.

The 3 characters are strong and interesting, all portraying different personalities and different approaches to being young. They are strong female roles, and there’s a need for such roles in theatre today. The play is well written and very enjoyabe.

Affton Fay Smith, Leah Kirby and Beth Johnston are able to hold the audience’s attention and they’re committed to their performace and characters. They believe in what they’re doing and you can feel the adrenaline running through the show, though at times I feel they could rely more on their skills and trust their work, rather than relying on broad geasture and facial expression to captivate the audience.

It’s an interesting work by Cold Dinner Theatre, it’s audacious in it’s genre and a promising start for this new, female led, theatre company.

You can follow the company on their social media:
